What is the importance of Targa Sequence in Animation

Animation is a dynamic medium in which images or objects are manipulated to appear as moving images.The change from one image to another image is as quick as the eye cannot able to detect the change and it feels the object is in motion.Computer animation can be very detailed 3D animation, while 2D computer animation can be used for stylistic reasons.

Lets see how “targa sequence” change the static image to Dynamic Image.

Now let’s understand the concept of 2D animation and 3D animation with the clear picture in this image I have provided you the path of 2D animation and 3D animation I think this will help you to understand the concept of 2D animation and 3D animation in 2D animation you only considered to bath X and Y while in 3D animation you consider X Y and Z.

In 3D also the images changes frequently but the change of the image and pixel of the image is as quick as it feels the object is moving in 3D or in the realistic way no you understand the party decided and how the object is moving in 3D path. as a animator I also want to clear you one thing that if you want to excel in 3D then you must have to excel in today this is not the hundred percent strict restriction but this will help you to excel in 3D if I simply say. now in addition to this you have to do the proper Sequencing of your file like a you simply mean that which image should come one after other so that the animation which you want to represent in the screen be more effective. In the field of three dimensional animation you have to create the object using different types of polygon at that time when you are creating the object using polygon you have to be very very clear about the point which you are going to use in your object because the point which you using in your object will help you to create your UV directional texture in your object.

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